Vampire Steve is a character in What Grows From the Dead. This was a character guest post as part of that book’s blog tour, originally posted here.
Transcript of Taped Interview: Stephen Janewicz, session #2
Date: November 3, 10:45am
Background on the Drummond case
Interviewer: Det. Gerald Palmer, NCSBI
Palmer: Mr. Janewicz–
Janewicz: You may call me Steve, mortal.
Palmer: Sorry, Steve. We’ve covered the facts of the case in our conversation earlier this morning, so now I want to turn to what you know about Morris Drummond. I’m trying to get a sense of who the guy is.
Janewicz: To what end?
Palmer: [breath noises] He’s not in trouble. At least, not yet. I’m just trying to corroborate the things he’s said while we unwind what’s going on in Baxter County.
Janewicz: Very well. You may continue.
Palmer: So, you’ve known him a while?
Janewicz: The fleeting lives of your kind do not always impinge upon my memory.
Palmer: Right. But you know Morris better than that?
Janewicz: He has served as my chariot-master these past six moons.
Palmer: The chariot in question being his mom’s Chevy?
Janewicz: [no reply]
Palmer: How often did he drive you?
Janewicz: When the sun was at its height, and at its most dangerous to me, and again when the gloom of night reigned.
Palmer: Can you put that in, er, mortal terms? With hours?
Janewicz: My shop opens at noon and closes at midnight.
Palmer: So he drove you there and back?
Janewicz: And sometimes other places, when I was in need of sustenance.
Palmer: What’s a guy like you eat?
Janewicz: I favor pork rinds. And other foods darker and more mysterious.
Palmer: Right. So, you and Morris are friends?
Janewicz: I sensed there were none closer to him than I during his time of darkness, though others became entangled. I hope his curtain of shadow may yet lift.
Palmer: That was kind of a yes or no question, you know.
Janewicz: [no reply]
Palmer: This curtain of shadow thing. You mean the business with the Baxter County sheriff’s department?
Janewicz: In part. But the pall cast over Morris began well before that. He dwelt in shadow, sucked dry by his employer and then by the loss of one he loved.
Palmer: Who’s that? That he loved?
Janewicz: The one who cast him forth into this sorry world.
Palmer: His mom, you mean?
Janewicz: [no reply]
Palmer: So, he was, what, depressed?
Janewicz: His soul shed tears of blood from a wound that would not close.
Palmer: Right. [Breath noises. Papers shuffling.] Do I have this right that you were in the military?
Janewicz: I served in the ranks of blood and strife, once. It was a time long ago, before I became as I am now. I almost feel that was a different man.
Palmer: [chuckling] I bet. Can’t see you pulling off this, uh, whatever this is, in basic training.
Janewicz: [no reply]
Palmer: Did you ever know Morris to be violent? Use guns?
Janewicz: Morris is a man of peace. Weapons of war and violence were alien to him.
Palmer: How do you know this? Did you talk about it?
Janewicz: He told me he had to watch YouTube videos to even figure out if a gun was loaded.
Palmer: Right.
Janewicz: I must needs depart? My place of business opens anon.
Palmer: Sure, just one more question. When did Morris get agitated about all this… this situation he found himself in?
Janewicz: I think it grew with each new insult to his honor, each new threat to his life and safety.
Palmer: Right. Can you maybe put a date on that?
Janewicz: It was when he found that which his mother preferred buried.
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