For the next five days, August 12 to 16, the ebook version of Flames Over Frosthelm is free on Amazon. Click here to grab a copy, or share the link with somebody you think would like the story.
Marten Mingenstern and Boog Eggstrom are provisional inspectors, fresh out of Inquisitor’s Guild training. Assigned a mundane task tracking down stolen jewels, they instead uncover a mysterious cult set on destroying the city. They earn the enmity of a vicious noble, the Chief Inquisitor gets bought off and goes rogue, barbarians seize them, and they are sentenced to death. Twice. In a race against prophecy, they face terrible forces long buried.

I couldn’t find a comment form on the lavenderlassbooks interview post, so I popped across here to tell you that it’s definitely going on my TBR list. Flames Over Frosthelm, that is. Already read the interview, though tbh I didn’t take much in after the phrase “Princess Bride meets CSI” had sunk its hooks into my brain.
Hi, Deborah! I’m so glad you found the book through the interview. I hope you enjoy it!